Discover how swapping literacy centers for a Must Do May Do system leads to...

- LESS teacher interruption
- MORE focused small group reading time
- ALL students completing work at their own pace
- more REAL WORLD reading application

Transform your literacy time now!

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    The Brightly Balanced Classroom

    Get to Know Me...

    Hey there! I am Brandy from The Brightly Balanced Classroom.

    I have spent the last 13 years as a primary teacher. I've taught Kindergarten, 1st/2nd grade multi-age and spent a few years as a K-5 Reading Specialist.

    What's Inside?

    • Why I ditched literacy centers and what I use instead
    • Why I won't go back to using literacy centers
    • Student Must Do May Do template to use in your classroom (it's a game changer)
    • Planning guide for literacy stations (because a plan is always best)